1 kg de tomàquets
1 pebrot vermell
1 cogombre
2 alls escaldats
vinagre de mòdena
Rentar i pelar els tomàquets, rentar i trossejar el pebrot i tallar el cogombre.
Pelar i escaldar els alls.
Triturar tot junt i afegir-hi la sal i el vinagre al gust, i anar afegint l'oli mentre triturem.
Passar pel col.lador i servir ben fred.
Servir-lo amb verduretes tallades (pebrot, cebeta, tomàquet, cogombre).
Podem decorar el gaspatxo com en aquest cas, amb brotxetes de tomàquet cherry, alfàbrega i mozarella.
-English version:
1 kg tomatoes
1 red pepper
1 cucumber
2 boiled garlic chunks
Balsamic vinegar
Clean and peel the tomatoes, clean and cut the pepper into pieces and cut the cucumber.
Peel and boil the garlic chunks.
We put all the ingredients in a mixer, and we add salt and vinegar to the taste. We start mixing and meanwhile we add the amount of oil we consider necessary.
Once it has become a cream, we percolate the gazpacho and we serve it really cold.
We can decorate the gazpacho as I have done in this recipe: we can make mozarella, basil and cherry tomato skewers, for instance.
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