dimarts, 14 de juny del 2011
4 patates grans
una ceba gran
4 ous
70 ml de nata
6 fulles d'havarti
oli d'oliva
Posar les patates i les cebes en una paella amb oli i fregir-les fins que siguin rosses. Les retirem del foc i batem els ous amb la nata i la quantitat de sal que creguem necessària. Incorporem la barreja de patata i ceba a l'ou i la nata i hi afegim el formage tallat a trossets. Deixem que reposi no gaire estona.
Calentem una paella amb unes gotes d'oli i fem la truita de la manera tradicional, que quedi cuita per dins. És recomanable servir-la fred i acompanyada d'una llesca de pa amb tomàquet.
-English version:
4 big potatoes
a big onion
4 eggs
70 ml heavy cream
6 sheets of havarti cheese
olive oil
Put the potatotes and the onions in a frying pan with a lot of olive oil. We fry them until they are golden and deep fried. We place them out of the fire and we take out the oil. We wisk the eggs with the heavy cream and salt (to the taste). We take a big bowl and we mix the potatoes and onions with the egg mixture and we add the havarti cheese cut into pieces. We blend the mixture really good.
We heat the frying pan with a little amount of olive oil to prevent the omelett from braking, and once the frying pan is hot, we put the mixture and we cook it as a normal omelet.
This omelet must be served cold and accompanied with the typical pa amb tomàquet (bread ointed with tomato).
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