-pasta de full
Disposem una pasta de full i la tallem de forma rectangular. Espolvorejem la pasta amb sucre completament, i hi afegim per sobre uns trossets petits de mantega. Comencem a enrotllar per cada cantó, ensucrant cada volta, fins que els dos extrems es trobin.
Tallem la pasta a llesques fines amb un ganivet cobert amb mantega, i ho anem disposant sobre una reixa de forn amb paper sufluritzat. Les aplanem bé per evitar que al forn es deformin. Les espolvorejem amb sucre i un trosset de mantega. Les introduïm al forn a 190-200ºC durant uns 15 minuts.
-English version:
-ready-made puff pastry
We cut the pastry in a rectangle or a square. We cover it with sugar and we add small pieces of butter. We roll each of the sides, and we sparkle each round with sugar. Once the sides get together, we cut it in loafes with a knife. We put each pastry spearately on the oven paper and we make it thin and plain with a spatula, we sparkle it with sugar and butter and we introduce it in the oven at 195-200ºC for 15 minutes, until baked.
-English version:
-ready-made puff pastry
We cut the pastry in a rectangle or a square. We cover it with sugar and we add small pieces of butter. We roll each of the sides, and we sparkle each round with sugar. Once the sides get together, we cut it in loafes with a knife. We put each pastry spearately on the oven paper and we make it thin and plain with a spatula, we sparkle it with sugar and butter and we introduce it in the oven at 195-200ºC for 15 minutes, until baked.
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