Aquesta es una recepta a la que jo li tinc un carinyo molt especial, perquè era l'especialitat culinària de la meva germana Gemma, li sortia boníssima, i des que ella ja no hi és jo no l'havia tornat a fer.
Així que aquesta recepta va dedicada a ella, no sap com la trobo a faltar.
1 kg de pomes
80 gr de mantega
8 cullerades de sucre
un rajet d'Oporto
pasta de full
Pelar les pomes i tallar-les a quarts, si són petites les podeu partir per la mitat.
Necesitem una cassola que pugui anar al forn, primer la posem al foc amb la mantega i el sucre per fer un caramel, quan ja esta fos hi tirem l'Oporto i afegim les pomes fins que estiguin caramelitzades.
Agafem la pasta de full i la tallem a la mida de la cassola per cubrir les pomes i que en sobri una mica (perquè al coure-la encongeix), la pintem amb ou i la posem al forn a 180º fins que estigui ben rossa.
Aquesta tarta convé desmotllar-la en calent, tot just sortir del forn, i en compte de no cremar-se. Cal agafar un plat i girar-la com si giressiu una truita, de tal manera que la base ara serà la pasta de full i la poma quedarà vista.
Es serveix tèbia i a mi m'agrada acompanyar-la amb gelat de vainilla.
-English version:
I'm very fond of this recipe because it was one of the culinary specialties of my sister Gemma, and it tasted really good, but I hadn't made it since she was gone.
So I dedicate this recipe to her, god only knows how much I miss her.
1 kg apples
80 gr of butter
8 spoonfuls of sugar
Oporto wine
ready made puff pastry
Peel the apples and cut in quarters, or in halves if they are small.
We will need a cooking pan that can be put in the oven.
First we cook the butter and the sugar to make a caramel. once it has melted dows, we add the oportowine and the apple quarters until they have been caramelised.
We take the pan out of the fire.
Then we take the puff patry and we cover the apples, we pain it with a wisked egg and we place it in the oven, which will have been preheated at 180ºC until it is golden.
Finally, we hace to take it out of the mould while it is hot. We place a dish under the mould and we turn it around, the puff pastry becoming the base of the tart.
We leave it to cool down and we can serve it with some vanilla ice-cream.
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